Sunday, March 28, 2010

Wedding Bells

So to my utter surprise last night i told my dad about J. and I eloping in about 6 weeks and not only was he completely supportive but thought it was a great idea! ( we are still have our "big wedding" May 2011) Oh, and my day got better yesterday, we talked through (mainly my) struggles with this distance crap, i'm not niaeve (sp) enough to say that there wont be more tough times ahead, i just had no clue how much distance would take its toll on me! yay for better days though =)  -K.


  1. I am soooo glad your dad was supportive. That makes it so much easier! Oh, and yes, you will have bad days and good days w/ distance. You guys are strong.. and will ALWAYS get through it. Hugs hon!

  2. My hubby and I did just about the same thing. Got married by a JOP and six months later had our "big wedding" and it was certainly worth it! I'm glad your dad was supportive! And life wouldn't be life without some ups and downs thrown in there! Hang in there and enjoy your Sunday. :)

  3. Eloping is a great idea, whether you tell people or keep it a secret! ;) Email me if you get a chance! spartangrace[at]gmail[dot]com, we have a lot in common! Haha, "blog twins" like you said.

  4. Glad to hear all went well in telling your father. I'm sure that was a huge weight lifted off of you :)
